Wednesday 25 June 2014


ASSISTED SUICIDE is a model that includes both what has been called physician-assisted "suicide" and voluntary active euthanasia. It suggests a difference in the degree of involvement and behavior. 
Voluntary active euthanasia entails the physician taking an active role in carrying out the patient’s request, and usually involves intravenous delivery of a lethal substance. Physician-assisted suicide is seen to be far easier emotionally for the physician than euthanasia as he or she does not have to directly cause a death.

Physician-Assisted Suicide say that it carries the added benefit of allowing the patient to determine the time of death and provides the opportunity for the patient to change his or her mind up to the last moment.

EUTHANASIA contains a much smaller chance for mistakes and may be necessary in cases where a patient is too sick for self-administration, or no longer capable of swallowing, holding down food, or absorbing oral medication. If a patient knows that a physician can always intervene, the act of assisted death may be permanently postponed.

• How would one assess whether a disorder of mental nature qualifies mercy killing?
• What if the pain threshold is 
below optimum and the patient perceives the circumstances to be not worthy of living?
• How would one know whether 
the wish to die is the result of unbalanced thought process or a logical decision in mentally ill patients?
• What if the individual chooses assisted suicide as an option and the family would not agree?

 Please comment and let me know what you think.


PROS:   Everyone has a right to decide when their life should end.
• It is beneficial to give an easy death to person by their own will.
•  It provides a way to relieve an extreme pain.
• It helps to free the medical funds to help other people.
• It puts the mind of family of the patient at ease as the patient will be no longer in pain and died peacefully.

CONS: It is murdering another human which cannot be rationalized under any circumstances. 
Palliative care and Rehabilitation centers are better option to help disabled patients.
Family members influencing the patients's decision into euthanasia can be for personal gains for wealth insurance and property. 

Doctors cannot predict firmly of death of a person and whether there is a possibility of recovery with other advanced treatments.
Legalizing euthanasia would be like empowering law abusers and increasing distrust of patients towards doctors. 

Mercy killing would cause decline in medical care and cause decline in medical care and cause victimization to the most vulnerable society.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Legal or illegal?

In Ireland it is illegal for a doctor to actively contribute to someone's death. however it is not illegal to remove life support until the other person not request to do so.

In Mexico active euthanasia is illegal but since January the law allows the terminally to refuse medication to extend life. A similar law has been approved by the senate.

The council of EUROPE

In France the president supported his personal support for discrimination of voluntary euthanasia.

In Norway, euthanasia remains illegal, though a caregiver may receive a punishment for taking someone's life that is hopelessly sick.

 The Netherlands passed a law legalizing euthanasia including physician assisted suicide. the law states to not prosecute doctors who committed euthanasia under very specific cases.

Euthanasia is illegal in  Philippines.under current laws, doctors assisting a patient to die can be imprisoned and charged with malpractice.


The efforts to change government policies in euthanasia in the 20th century have met limited success in western countries. euthanasia policies have also been developed by various NGO's. Euthanasia is only legal in Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, Germany, Albania, Colombia, Japan and in the US states of Washington, New mexico, Montana. Euthanasia was criminalized in Mexico, Thailand, Estonia and the US states of California. 
Euthanasia is now illegal in Australia. Unlike the States, legislation in the northern territory is not guaranteed by the Australian constitution. Before this law was passed by the Australian government, one doctor helped three people by using his machine. some organisations wanted the government to bring back euthanasia rights to Australia.

The Belgium party legalized Euthanasia on 28 May, 2002. people who died from Euthanasia were mostly younger male cancer patients. in almost all cases unbearable physical suffering were reported.

Euthanasia and laws
 Canadian euthanasia and assisted suicide law are currently in legal state, although Canada's federal parliament deal with the consequences of this decision. The medical association of Canada has declared neutrality on this issue.

Linked below is an article which highlights the news about Euthanasia and Assisted suicide.


Euthanasia refers to the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and sufferings.

Euthanasia is categorized in different ways, which include voluntary, non-voluntary, involuntary. voluntary euthanasia is legal in some countries, U,S states and Canadian provinces. non-voluntary euthanasia is illegal in all countries. involuntary euthanasia is usually considered as murder.

Isome countries there is a divisive public controversy over the moral, ethical, and legal issues of euthanasia. Those who are against euthanasia may argue for the sanctity of life, while proponents of euthanasia rights emphasize alleviating suffering, bodily integrity, self-determination, and personal autonomy. Jurisdictions where euthanasia or assisted suicide is legal including the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg , Switzerland, Estonia, Albania, the US states of Washington, Oregon and Montana and, starting in 2015, the Canadian Province of Quebec.